Applin is one of the most entertaining new Pokémon designs, it’s an odd apple Pokemon that evolves into a grass/dragon-type monster based on apple pie. Applin and its evolutions aren’t too hard to obtain, as there is a bit of a trick to it. To capture it, here are what you need to do.
This article explains how to evolve in Applin on Pokemon sword and shield.
Pokemon Sword And Shield: How To Evolve In Applin You can capture Applin on Route 5 in surprise encounters, or in either the Dusty Bowl in the Wild Area during sunny weather or the Giant Mirror and Stony Wilderness during storms. Evolve the Applin immediately, as it can only learn Astonish and Withdraw until it evolves.
Unfortunately, you can’t evolve Applin into the Pokemon because Flapple and Appletun are entirely exclusive and it does not belong to its version. However, you can make friends with someone who has the opposite evolution and trade, that’s the only way to get the version not available in your game.
Yes! You’ll need to encounter a Gigantamax Appletun or Flapple in the Wild Area and defeat it in a Raid Battle to obtain the Gigantamax version of either.
- Travel to Hammerlocke
- Go to the far left side of the city, right next to the exit onto Route 6
- Communicate with the boy standing there. Give him your Applin.
Pokemon Sword And Shield: How To Evolve In Applin - After the communication with him, he will reimburse you with your Applin, along with a Tart Apple in Pokémon Sword or a Sweet Apple in Pokémon Shield.
- Now Use the Tart Apple on Applin to evolve it into Flapple or the Sweet Apple to evolve it into Appletun.
And that’s it, You’ve got yourself evolved! And now can play to your heart’s content.
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