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Google Plans To Make Search More Visual, Snackable And Personalized With AI

Google plans to make search more visual, snackable and personalized with AI. The search giant is said to be leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots, and video clips to enhance the search experience for users.

Author:Daniel BarrettMay 08, 202334 Shares1178 Views
Google plans to make search more visual, snackable and personalized with AI. The search giant is said to be leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots, and video clips to enhance the search experience for users.
The world's largest search engine aims to revamp its search platform to provide more relevant search results.

The Push For More Visual And Snackable Search Results

According to a report by CNET, Google is exploring ways to make search results more visually appealing and easier to digest, particularly on mobile devices.
This move is in response to changing user behavior and the rise of "snackable content" that can be consumed quickly and easily.
To achieve this, Google is reportedly looking to incorporate more videos and images into search results, allowing users to get a better idea of what they're searching for at a glance.
The company is also experimenting with AI-powered chatbots that can help users find what they're looking for more quickly and easily.

Making Search More Personalized

In addition to improving the visual appeal of search results, Google is also planning to make search more personalized.
As reported by Reuters, the company is exploring ways to use AI to understand user intent and provide more relevant search results.
One way Google is doing this is by using natural language processing (NLP) to better understand the meaning behind user queries.
By understanding the context of a search, Google can provide more accurate and personalized results that are tailored to the user's needs.

Is Google using AI chat and video clips to make its search engine more 'personal'? #google #ai

Human Touch With Chatbots

In addition to personalized and visual content, Google also plans to incorporate chatbots into its search results to provide users with a more human touch.
According to SiliconANGLE, these chatbots will be able to engage in conversations with users, answer questions, and provide recommendations, making search results more interactive and engaging.

The Impact On Search Advertising

Google's push towards more visual and personalized search results is likely to have a significant impact on search advertising.
As reported by SiliconANGLE, the new search features will give advertisers more opportunities to showcase their products and services through visual content like videos and images.
However, the move towards more personalized search results could also lead to a more competitive landscape for advertisers, as companies compete to get their products and services in front of the right audiences.
Search has always been an incredibly dynamic, rapidly evolving sector with products constantly getting better. For years, we've been focused on a long-term approach to evolve Search, including using AI to enable new capabilities like multisearch, bringing more visual exploration features to the results page, and introducing new ways to surface a wide range of perspectives and content formats. We've talked at length about this work, including at events like Google I/O and Search On, and we look forward to building on these efforts in many ways in the years ahead. As Search evolves, delivering high quality information and supporting a healthy, open web will remain core to our approach.- Google spokesperson

Final Thoughts

Google's plans to revamp search with more visual and personalized features are part of a broader trend towards making search more intuitive and user-friendly.
With the rise of mobile devices and changing user behavior, it's becoming increasingly important for search engines to provide a more personalized and snackable search experience.
As Google continues to experiment with AI, chatbots, and video clips, it will be interesting to see how these new features impact the search landscape and the way advertisers approach search advertising.
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Daniel Barrett

Daniel Barrett

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